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From Monday 22nd January 2024, we will move to a new fully cloud based system, “Surgery Connect” designed to make patients lives easier and get them the medical attention and advice they need as effectively as possible.

Line busy or call dropped previously? as all the calls are internet based rather than a traditional phone line, this should resolve any previous issues we had at our peak times!

As a result, we will stop the booking of same day GP appointments at the reception desk at 8 am and 12 noon. Any patients who attend will be advised that they need to call us. Obviously, our discretion will be used for those with specific communication or health needs.

  • High call volumes – patient call back holds the patients’ place in the queue after they have called in and requested a call back – the call back will be confirmed and the call will be terminated and you will receive a call back instead of waiting on the line, saving time and money.
  • Automated SMS appointment and prescription reminders make life more convenient and reduce missed appointments
  • Integration with patient record systems means when a patient speaks to any member of the practice team their information is to hand, eliminating frustrating delays
  • Surgery Connect can be configured to inform patients with high quality voice messages at every stage of their journey, minimising stress.
  • When deployed at scale, point services allow patients to self-serve without waiting to speak with a receptionist. Examples include self checking or cancelling appointments, or requesting more information or online services.